OH Cards Semantica ES

Resource decks by artist Olga Kruglova

Thank you so much for using the application "OH Cards" Semantica".
We hope you liked it.
On this page you will find some basic information about the project in English. The rest of the site pages are published in Russian. Please make use of an online translator for translation into a target language.
Now you can purchase printed decks of poppy cards in Russian, English and French, join our community, purchase reproductions of paintings and subscribe to the project's newsletter.

Buy a deck of OH cards about women for women with resource paintings by Olga Kruglova
Download the free mobile application "OH Cards: Letters to Yourself"
Join a warm, supportive community of like-minded women from all over the world
Buy reproductions and original paintings by the artist Olga Kruglova

Метафорические карты "Письма себе" (на русском языке)
Когда мы запутываемся и сбиваемся с пути, когда ситуация кажется безвыходной, когда сложные эмоции захлёстывают и мы не знаем, что делать, мы склонны искать помощи вовне, в то время как все ответы уже внутри нас.
Нужно лишь задать вопросы своей Мудрости и постараться расслышать ответ.
Для этого и созданы наши карты.

Карты "Письма себе" помогают:
  • сместить фокус внимания на себя,
  • найти внутри ответы на актуальные жизненные вопросы,
  • по-новому взглянуть на сложные ситуации и увидеть нестандартные выходы из них,
  • научиться быть честными с собой,
  • задавать правильные вопросы и давать искренние ответы.

OH Cards "Letters to ourselves"
When we get confused and go astray, when the situation seems hopeless, when difficult emotions overwhelm us and we do not know what to do, we tend to look outside for help, while all the answers are already inside us .
You just need to ask questions of your Wisdom and try to hear the answer.
That's what our maps are for.

Letters to Yourself cards help:
  • shift the focus of attention to yourself,
  • find answers to vital questions inside,
  • take a fresh look at difficult situations and see non-standard ways out of them,
  • learn to be honest with yourself
  • ask the right questions and give sincere answers.

Mobile application
"OH cards: Semantica"

We have created a powerful tool for self-knowledge, self-diagnosis and harmonization of the state of mind, and we want as many people as possible to use it!
To do this, we have created a free mobile application.

International community "Semantica"
- is a thematic telegram channel for those who need support, who want to move in the company of like-minded people, who are interested in a deeper immersion in working with OH cards.

In the community for you:
  • resource games with poppy "Semantica",
  • mac technology,
  • inspirational articles,
  • advice from psychologists
  • careful communication with women who are on the same wavelength with you.

    Olga Kruglova
    Author of the project "Semantica".
    Artist, member of Creative Union of Artists of Russia, book illustrator, blogger. Author of the idea, pictures and texts of the project.
    Christina Kuznetsova
    Project Consultant "Semantica"
    Psychologist, art therapist, body therapist, specialist in working with metaphorical cards.
    Author of the technique of working with OH cards "Semantica

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